Although retaining its rural character until the early 20thC development was underway by the 1830s. Centred around Spring Grove House, home of Sir Joseph Banks, botanist and explorer, the 1850-60s vision was for a grand Victorian suburb its villas designed by John Taylor Jnr inclining to an Italian influence. Today’s wider variety of architecture includes a former college by John Norton & P E Massey and a swathe of quirky arts and crafts semi-detached properties, while the Crown Court was fashioned from a hostel for paraplegics built 1948, now with a 1990s addition.
The circular tour taken at a gentle pace will take approximately l ½ hours
Meet: Forecourt, Isleworth Railway Station, London Road, TW7 4BX
Time: 2.30 p.m.
Buses: 237, 117, 235, H37, E8
Parking: limited parking in side roads, pay-and-display at Railway station.