Exploring Spring Grove Isleworth

48 The Grove

Although retaining its rural character until the early 20thC development was underway by the 1830s. Centred around Spring Grove House, home of Sir Joseph Banks, botanist and explorer, the 1850-60s vision was for a grand Victorian suburb its villas designed by John Taylor Jnr inclining to an Italian influence. Today’s wider variety of architecture includes a former college by John Norton & P E Massey and a swathe of quirky arts and crafts semi-detached properties, while the Crown Court was fashioned from a hostel for paraplegics built 1948, now with a 1990s addition.

The circular tour taken at a gentle pace will take approximately l ½ hours
Meet: Forecourt, Isleworth Railway Station, London Road, TW7 4BX
Time: 2.30 p.m.
Buses: 237, 117, 235, H37, E8
Parking: limited parking in side roads, pay-and-display at Railway station.

Open House 2020 - Arts and Crafts example
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